Coach vs. Player — What I’ve Learned 6 Months in To College Coaching

Jen Fay
5 min readJan 18, 2021
Parts 2 & 3 Coming Soon….

1) The Job Never Stops

I have a new found appreciation for coaches at ALL levels. As a player you never truly understand the job of a coach… I know I was guilty of it or honestly just naive in terms of underestimating all the decisions that coaches and support staff are faced with on a daily basis. When I was playing for Quinnipiac, just a little more than a year ago the daily schedule would look something like this….

- 8:00AM Wake up

- 9:00AM Class

- 12:00PM Practice

- 2:00PM Lift/Film

- 3:30PM Lunch/Chill

- 5:00PM (maybe 1 more class but usually done for the day)

If you’re a freshman you’ll definitely have class later in the afternoon as well some days but by senior year if you make your schedule the RIGHT way, you should be pretty much done for the day after practice! So realistically, you eat, sleep, go to class and play basketball… not that this is easy by any means, student athletes definitely have to learn how to manage their time BUT when comparing this to the the life of a coach, let’s talk assistant coach — because that’s what I can speak for, (head coaches lives are in a whole other category lol) there are so many different aspects of the



Jen Fay

Former College Basketball Player turned Coach. Sharing The Game…